Walter Brengel
Principal Support Engineer
Cloud Software Group
May FOCUS Friday: Did You Know?, Resource Governance Resurrected, Installing FOCUS Keys
May 17, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
It’s time for another FOCUS Friday! We have an exciting bill of topics prepared for you this month. Register below to learn more.
Did you know?
Come and learn more about WebFOCUS features that have been around for quite some time but that you might not know even exist. This presentation will showcase some recent inquires made by customers such as the long standing ability to display the actual filters of a request within the report or chart itself.
Resource Governor
We will also revisit the power of Resource Governor so you can control when a query runs based on past performance so that long running queries will have less of a chance to be run.
FOCUS in action on IBM Z
On the IBM z side of things we will go over the installation of the new ibi FOCUS license keys.
Register Today
Join us on May 17th as we explore each of these areas in detail; looking at the basics and beyond the basics for some interesting and powerful FOCUS and WebFOCUS techniques.
Mark Nesson
Senior Principal Support Engineer
Cloud Software Group
Renee Teatro
Lead Support Engineer
Cloud Software Group