Elevate integration efficiency
Create powerful, reusable business services for seamless integration of your applications
ibi™ iWay Service Manager gives you real-time data exchange between all your disparate applications. A low code/no code solution in a secure, scalable environment, you can bring together diverse data models and protocols to standardize and simplify communication, messaging and integration between services.

You’re in good company
Global beauty manufacturer unifies its supply chain through ISM integration

Without iWay [ibi data platform] integration middleware, we would not be able to outsource certain functions, or acquire new companies as effectively as we do. And those activities are paramount to our success.
Global director
Leading beauty manufacturer

Empower data insights and efficiency
Process data in a secure and scalable environment
iWay Service Manager works in concert with modernized architectures to rapidly develop new business applications and create powerful, reusable business services from existing applications.

Leverage flexible transformation creation
Create complex yet flexible transformations to relate data from various sources and make it consumable by other applications.

Deploy advanced microservices architecture
Reduce cost and increase agility with microservices architecture. Simplify application maintenance, expedite the development of new services, and enable diversity of service implementations while maintaining a unified interface.

Maximize modern API design and management
Consume APIs as part of standard business logic for data processing. Expedite deployment with a library of highly reusable and easily maintainable APIs.

Key capabilities of ibi iWay Service Manager
Wide range of connectors
Integrate a wide variety of services, including real-time, batch, streaming, structure and unstructured information, cloud-based sources, blockchain applications, big data, social network, and machine-generated data.
Advanced transformation services
Transformation services, enabling workflows to consume and send messages in JSON, XML, E-Business (SWIFT, EDI, HL7) and other formats.
RESTful API support
RESTful API support for RAML, Swagger, and Open API.
API hosting
Rapid access to vital callable services. Quickly create a new API, define the required API endpoints, and then start modifying the associated business logic to each action.
Modern design time environment
Expedite development with quick access to an array of configurable objects. Optimize reuse of object configuration, simplified parameter definition, and all-in-one application deployment.
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